Don't expect consistency.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My In-blog-ural Post

This is what happens when I have commitments - I go off and find more. Not that this is meant to be any sort of formal's mostly just a device to prevent me from not writing at all, since I'm terrible at writing in physical journals even though I like them so much better.

I don't expect many views. In fact, I'm fine with none at all. However, if you do view, you should leave a comment. I appreciate them.

Here's what you shouldn't expect:

-Perfect grammar all the time, though I do strive to make it correct.
-Internet memes used frequently for comedic purposes. I hate them and they're not funny.
-Many curse words.
-Many emoticons.
-Proper use of ellipses..I think they're ugly.
-A lot of images. I'm clearly a more verbal person, but I won't refrain from posting cool stuff I find either.
-Me to hold back.
-Most importantly, consistency. Usually when I write casually, I'm in a mood when I'm passionate about something. I will write things with which I wouldn't normally agree just because it's on my mind and I'm trying to expand as much as possible. Life contains infinitely many perspectives, and I try to expose myself to as many as possible.

If you made it this far, you should be proud. I genuinely appreciate your interest in my thoughts. Expect my first real post soon!

Blogging 2

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