Don't expect consistency.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I am so jacked up on sugar right now..

- It's 3:38 and I still have 3 bio labs left.

- I hate biology.

- Swarthmore.

- Only $1,264 per year..being poor is nice.

- ^False statement. Poverty sucks.

- Laptop build date = May 20th = >_>

- Won my first wager (of $5) 13 innings. Yay Padres!

- Sunkist gummies are amazing.

- I hate biology.

- This is the first semester I've ever turned in anything late..and it might result in 3 B's or worse (also a first).

- 4 marketing assignments..

- I would mouth off so bad if I played tennis.

- Must register to vote.

- Wonder what mom will do if/when she finds out about my sports betting account.

- I better be able to find flannel sheets for college.

- Lol, sleep..

- Why are we doing a video project in English with the AP exam two weeks away?

- Why am I babbling about school?

- Wonder if I'll be in the track meet Saturday..12.13?

- I want to do a decathalon.

- I'm still running away. Stop me.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How can you ask for me to stay when all you ever do is go?